Jay Purdy is a musician, filmmaker and visual
artist from Charlottesville, VA. A Philadelphian for
The Extraordinaires alongside fellow Mambo guys
and bandmates Matthew Gibson, Peter Hurd and Justin
Wolf. With a strong concentration on storytelling, he
has written and recorded many albums and directed many
short films, and even written and starred in a fully
staged musical version of his band's first album. He
is a faculty member at the Philadelphia Institute for
Advanced Study and is a founding member of the PIFAS
Natural History Museum in N. Philadelphia.
A couple words:
According to an ancient Hawaiian legend there are people, even among us, who concentrate peace and prosperity and spread it, like sun spreads rays. Jay is one of them, truly, like a living talisman. To be in his crew, in the wider sense, is a big honor. Enjoy the show while it lasts!